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INS/SAR组合导航量测信息不同步的滤波算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在惯性导航系统/合成孔径雷达(Inertial navigation system/synthetic aperture radar,INS/SAR)组合导航系统中,传统的SAR只提供位置和航向角信息,本文引入SAR图像测速系统,实现对INS速度信息的补偿修正。同时,建立了该组合导航滤波的数学模型。针对图像匹配耗时较大、产生信息不同步的现象,本文利用INS信息增量来对SAR导航信息延迟、非等间隔以及SAR量测不在INS滤波离散间隔上所带来的误差进行修正,并进行了仿真。经过1 500s后,本导航系统导航信息没有出现发散,在飞行器出现加速、爬升、转弯等机动时,位置误差绝对值不超过36.8m,高度误差绝对值不超过18.1m,航向角误差绝对值不超过5.3′,速度误差绝对值不超过0.5m/s,并与曲线拟合法作对比,仿真结果表明本文算法能够有效提高INS/SAR组合导航系统的精度,并为其他组合导航系统提供参考。  相似文献   
针对行人在室内导航中GPS信息无法获取以及纯惯导解算结果发散严重的问题,提出了通过协同导航的方式提高行人室内导航精度的方法.利用行人间的相对距离约束关系,抑制纯惯导解算结果的发散.详细推导了行人协同导航的模型,采用信息滤波的方法解算导航结果,并在理论推导中发现信息滤波更加适合行人协同导航的工程实践.设计了一种使用微型惯性测量器和超宽带测距设备的行人协同导航系统,进行实际效果验证.通过数据采集与处理,将行人导航轨迹图输出,分析协同导航以及单独导航的误差,验证协同导航的有效性.实验结果表明,协同导航与单独导航相比,对导航轨迹和导航误差有更好的修正效果.  相似文献   
为提高方位俯仰型船载天线伺服系统的船摇隔离度,稳定环是常采用的策略,但是选择传统的PID(Proportional Integral Derivative,比例积分微分)调节器往往不能获得满意的控制效果,针对该问题,提出了PID+积分+滞后校正环节作为稳定环调节器的具体实现形式。另外,通过对伺服系统内各环路带宽及响应速度的分析,将稳定环阶跃响应的上升时间作为参数调节依据。上述设计完成后,在实际系统中添加周期10s,幅值8°的正弦波信号模拟船摇扰动,此时添加稳定环后,方位轴的船摇隔离度提高了6dB,俯仰轴的船摇隔离度提高了13dB。这表明,采用PID+积分+滞后校正环节作为稳定环调节器的设计形式是正确且简单有效的。  相似文献   
海风、波浪、海流等因素会产生舰船的摇摆晃动,从而给舰船导航系统精度带来严重干扰.固定区间平滑滤波处理算法能够利用观测时间间隔内全部观测信息得到状态的最小方差估计,对导航精度进行事后评估.在研究晃动环境下的SINS/GP S组合导航应用平滑滤波算法的相关原理的基础上,首先利用Kalman滤波器进行组合导航,存储相关信息后按时间逆序利用固定区间平滑滤波算法进行事后分析.该方法可以针对不同的海况以及不同的海上作业需求,有效地为组合导航系统精度提供检验标准,考核各种海洋环境下的导航系统精度.  相似文献   
X-ray pulsar-based navigation (XPNAV) is an attractive method for autonomous deep-space navigation in the future. The pulse phase estimation is a key task in XPNAV and its accuracy directly determines the navigation accuracy. State-of-the-art pulse phase estimation techniques either suffer from poor estimation accuracy, or involve the maximization of generally non-convex object function, thus resulting in a large computational cost. In this paper, a fast pulse phase estimation method based on epoch folding is presented. The statistical properties of the observed profile obtained through epoch folding are developed. Based on this, we recognize the joint prob-ability distribution of the observed profile as the likelihood function and utilize a fast Fourier transform-based procedure to estimate the pulse phase. Computational complexity of the proposed estimator is analyzed as well. Experimental results show that the proposed estimator significantly outperforms the currently used cross-correlation (CC) and nonlinear least squares (NLS) estima-tors, while significantly reduces the computational complexity compared with NLS and maximum likelihood (ML) estimators.  相似文献   
The navigation problem of the lifting reentry vehicles has attracted much research interest in the past decade.This paper researches the navigation in the blackout zone during the reentry phase of the aircraft,when the communication signals are attenuated and even interrupted by the blackout zone.However,when calculating altitude,a pure classic inertial navigation algorithm appears imprecise and divergent.In order to obtain a more precise aircraft altitude,this paper applies an integrated navigation method based on inertial navigation algorithms,which uses drag derived altitude to aid the inertial navigation during the blackout zone.This method can overcome the shortcomings of the inertial navigation system and improve the navigation accuracy.To further improve the navigation accuracy,the applicable condition and the main error factors,such as the atmospheric coefficient error and drag coefficient error are analyzed in detail.Then the damping circuit design of the navigation control system and the damping coefficients determination is introduced.The feasibility of the method is verified by the typical reentry trajectory simulation,and the influence of the iterative times on the accuracy is analyzed.Simulation results show that iterative three times achieves the best effect.  相似文献   
根据信鸽导航理论和相关试验结果的分析,确定太阳高和地磁场参数的组合可以形成信鸽导航的环境基础.通过分析信鸽对太阳高度角、地磁倾角参数的可能利用过程,结合信鸽飞行路径的特点,确认了信鸽方向判断原理和逐渐趋紧的过程,并在此基础上,通过计算机程序对信鸽导航过程和分型线路进行了模拟,结果较为符合信鸽的飞行特点,并对信鸽导航的初步原理进行了分析和解释.  相似文献   
电子导盲辅助装置(ETA)是解决盲人出行困难的重要手段,而导航是ETA的关键技术.现有的ETA主要用GPS来定位定向,但在城市环境中经常存在GPS信号遮挡导致导航信息丢失的问题.针对该问题,利用视觉导航短时间内定位精度高,输出连续的优点以及 MG(Magnetic Gravity)姿态测量可补偿姿态积累误差的优点,提出一种基于视觉、GPS和MG姿态测量的盲人行走组合导航算法.该方法构建系统误差模型并以Kalman滤波为框架.仿真和实验结果表明,提出的组合导航算法准确度优于单独的导航算法,满足盲人户外安全出行导航的需求.  相似文献   

Human navigation in an unknown environment requires an understanding of the spatial relationships of the terrain. For example, a soldier who is on a reconnaissance mission in a new city needs to “know” the spatial layout of the surroundings with high confidence. Oftentimes, this understanding must be acquired within a very short amount of time and with limited sensory inputs. The soldier would benefit from a digital avatar that draws inferences about the spatial layout of the city based on an initial set of observations and guides the soldier either in further exploring the environment or in making decisions based on these inferences. In this paper, we present and evaluate an inductive approach to learning spatial associations using sensory data that is available from the simulation environment of a computer game, Unreal Tournament. We study two kinds of spatial relationships between nodes on a level of a game map: nodes that are placed near each other to satisfy some spatial requirement and nodes that are placed near each other to satisfy the design preferences of a level architect. We show that we can infer both kinds of relationships using an association rule mining algorithm. Furthermore, we show how to use an ontology to distinguish between these relationships in order to discover different types of spatial arrangements on a specific map. We discuss how the inferred associations can be used to control an avatar that makes recommendations for navigating unexplored areas on a map. We conclude with some thoughts on the applicability of our methods to scenarios in the real world, beyond the simulation environment of a game, and on how the learned associations can be represented and queried by a simple question-answer type system.  相似文献   
计算机科学技术飞速发展,网络资源丰富杂乱,纸质资源捉襟见肘,通过阐述现代图书馆开展网络资源导航的必要性和可能性,找到现代图书馆的定位和方向,最后阐述现代图书馆开展网络资源导航的意义和价值。  相似文献   
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